Georges Amir Künzler
Oregon License Massage
+1 541 499 1065

After a residency in Harbin Hot Springs where he learned Shiatsu and Watsu in the late 90's.he brought Watsu back to Switzerland in 2001 and taught Watsu and practiced various kind of massage in the Spa called "Bains de Lavey" in the Swiss alps. He is now creating a Watsu Center in Northern California/ Southern Oregon called the « Zome Village »
He has thought since 2001, Watsu and other aquatic modality. His favorite approach is in simple moves witch allow for great technique and deep presence. Following the breath and knowledge of the anatomy is the key to a good session.
Professional Summary :
In his life he experienced various community and lived in a few continent. He realised the eclectic nature of Ethics and importance of compassionate communication. His experience as a teacher forged a good and humbling understanding of various ethical issues.
Over the last 20 years he has been teaching Watsu and Yoga and practicing various kind of massage (Shiatsu, Lomi-lomi, Watsu, Waterdance, Swedish), in the hot spring called Les Bains de Lavey.
Leading relaxation one day retreat. Stress education trough Yoga, Tai-chi and breath.
Georges Amir KüNZLER
Core Qualifications :
As a Practitioner:
Watsu Therapist
Shiatsu Therapist
Waterdance practitionner
Healing Dance practitionner
Thai massage
Massage therapist
Deap relaxing oil Massage
As a Teacher :
Watsu 1 & 2
Water Dance (intro)
Water's Breath Dance
Watsu of the 5 elements
Experience :
Oct 2002 to Current :
Massage therapist
Bains de Lavey - Lavey-les-Bains, Switzerland Independent Watsu and Shiatsu therapist. Conducting 4 to 6 sessions daily.
Jan 2002 to Oct 2002 :
Independent watsu practitioner
Pédiatrie de Genève - Geneva, Switzerland
In cooperation with a local doctor, performed 3 session of Watsu daily
Aug 2000 to Jul 2001 :
Watsu Therapist
Jonquille Clinique - Ashland, OR
Reception of clients, massage & preparation for chiropractic manipulation.
Shiatsu sessions.
Accomplishment of 250 various aquatic sessions.
Mar 1999 to Dec 2000 :
Harbin Hot Springs - Middletown, CA
Workshop housecleaning.
Reception of clients at the desk and on the phone.
Money transactions.
Data entry on the computer.
Leading Osho meditation
Jan 1985 to Dec 1998 :
Amir Porcelain Pottery - Ashland, OR
Creating various objects in porcelain.
Managing a business with up to 6 employees.
T raining, Coaching, Quality control.
Marketing, Client management.
Education :
Yoga teacher, 2006
Mount Madona Center - Santa Cruz, Ca, USA
Yoga teacher training-
100 hours of Assanas, Prana Yama and Yoga theory
Thai massage, 2004
Spirit Winds - Nevada City, California, USA
85 hours of massage, stretching, application with medicinal herbs.
Aquatic body worker, 2003
School of Shiatsu and Massage - Middletown, Ca, USA
1000 hours of study and practice
Shiatsu practitionner, 2001
School of Shiatsu and Massage - Middletown, CA, USA 100 hours of study and practice
Watsu Therapist, 2001
School of Shiatsu and Massage - Middletown, CA, USA
500 hours of study and practice
Waterdance practitionner, 2000
School of Shiatsu and Massage - Middletown, Ca, USA 100 hours of underwater aquatic bodywork
Zen Shiatsu, 1994
Chinese healing arts
Osho Multiversity, - Poona,, India
250 hours of various training including, Osho Healing Arts (Tai-chi, Chi-gong), meditation (zen and active Osho meditation) Zen Shiatsu practices, theory and practice.
Pottery, 1978
Brevet de compagnon,
Art school - Strasbourg, Alsace, France
3 years of study of Pottery, Drawing, Sculpture and History of Arts.
High School, 1971
Public School - Geneva, Switzerland 1962 to 1971
Professional Affiliations:
500 hours of various anatomy for movement trainings, including breath, voice, spine, abdominal muscle and many other topics Anatomie pour le mouvement - Blandine Calais- Germain BP.68 11304 LIMOUX Cedex - FRANCE